Flaga - Unia Europejska


Analytics audit and transformation strategy

Business case

A Polish manufacturer from the pharmaceutical industry, aware of the potential hidden in data analysis and the development towards a data-driven organization, approached us for support in developing a strategy concept and recommendations regarding the solution architecture.


  • As-is analytics audit including infrastructure, resources, analytical processes and performance,
  • Consultations and workshops in the area of priorities, potential business needs and requirements in the field of Data Governance,
  • Solution architecture design along with recommendations regarding cloud adoption in the organization in accordance with good practices of the Cloud Adoption Framework and Well-Architected Framework.


  • A full picture of the organisation’s business needs and priorities,
  • An overview of the possibilities and the best available analytical tools,
  • Architecture design tailored to the requirements and estimated service costs as well as a clear action scenario in line with the latest standards for creating modern analytical solutions.

Business Case

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