Flaga - Unia Europejska

Modern platform for relationship management

Hyper-personalization based on Artificial Intelligence using
mechanisms of cognitive psychology and behavioral data of customers

The project aims to develop an artificial intelligence-based Sensitivity platform to support companies in making decisions on dynamic management of the customer relationship and service process based on operational and behavioral data analysis.

Sensitivity will enable profiling of customers based on operational and behavioral data, obtaining recommendations on offers, advertising, customer journey and forms of marketing interaction, as well as churn analysis. The various functionalities will be realized using appropriate artificial intelligence algorithms supported by domain knowledge in sales psychology, including social influence theory.

Project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Intelligent Development Program. Project implemented under the National Center for Research and Development competition: Operational Program Intelligent Development 2014-2020, Action R&D projects of enterprises. Fast Track – Digital Innovations

Program name

Program Operacyjny Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020

Beneficiary name

TIDK Sp. z o.o.

Project value

5 638 656,25 PLN

Grant value

4 218 237,50 PLN

Implementation period

01.02.2023 – 31.12.2023

Our products

Designed to help

AIndustry logo

Everything artificial intelligence can do for your business

Sensitivity logo

Hyper-personalization using mechanisms of cognitive psychology based on artificial intelligence

ai4 bio logo

Created to improve the quality of life and health thanks to the power of artificial intelligence


tidk logo

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61-013 Poznań