Flaga - Unia Europejska

E-commerce & Retail

Analysis of sales potential and promotion effectiveness

Business case

Wanting to follow the spirit of data-driven decision making, the largest food manufacturer in Central and Eastern Europe approached us for advanced analytics of sales data and marketing activities.

The TIDK team analyzed the acquired geographic data (POI), sales data and information on store characteristics. The developed segmentation model allows better targeting of points where the sales potential is higher and automatically generates insights from salespeople to indicate their actions’ direction accurately.

As part of this project, an analysis of various types of marketing activities and their effectiveness in terms of product categories and sales values in the short and long term was also prepared.


  • Point-of-sale segmentation model with geographic data,
  • Integration of sales data with information regarding implemented campaigns or other marketing activities,
  • Creation of dashboards with KPIs’ visualization and evaluation of marketing activities in the long- and short-term perspective.


  • Optimization of internal S&OP processes and marketing activities,
  • Better cooperation with clients,
  • Preparation of better tailored commercial offers.

Business Case

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